Published: May 15 2019 — Updated: Jun 8 2019
The Mac lacks a powerful CSV editor, I thought several years ago. So I started writing one as a side project, just for my own needs. I had a working version in 2016 and started to improve it step by step. In 2017 I decided to publish this CSV editor named Tablecruncher as a public beta version. Now, one and a half years and more than 7000 downloads later it’s time to publish a roadmap for what I have planned for Tablecruncher this year.
The eighth public beta version – 0.9.8 – has just been published. This version was a major milestone on the way to ship version 1.0 in June. I got a lot of invaluable feedback from beta users and tried to implement as many of the recommendations as possible.
The main features that are on my roadmap as soon as I’ve succeeded to ship 1.0:
Of course, future plans are subject to change and I expect to get additional feedback from my users that may be shifting my priorities.