New version 1.4 with an important bug fix

Apr 23 2020

This new version 1.4 is mainly a bug fix version. When using a search or replace pattern containing a single quote in the Search and Replace dialog, searching and replacing did not work correctly. This version fixes this nasty bug. Additionally, some minor visual bugs were fixed, either.

One new feature that was requested by a user, made it into this release as well. Using “File > Split CSV …” you can now split your currently opened CSV file into several smaller files. Please read the documentation for further details.

There’s one new feature, though. “File > Split CSV …” allows you to easily split a CSV file into multiple CSV files. If the initial file has the header row activated, all split files also contain that header row. Please read the documentation for further details.

New Features

  • Feature: Split a CSV file in multiple files

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed: Search and Replace using Regular Expressions didn’t work when there were single quotes in the search or replace pattern
  • Fixed: The font size of the edited cell did not zoom according to the chosen text zoom level
  • Fixed: The label text shown on the “Processing” window was not readable on dark themes

Download Free
Version 1.6.0
requires macOS Sonoma, Ventura, Monterey, Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra or Mac OS X El Capitan

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